A New Year and a New World.

Satish mohan
2 min readJan 1, 2021

What a year it has been. The world that we know is in upheaval. The walk in the trail, the swing in the park, the handshake with a friend, the dinner at a restaurant, the friends and family we meet and took for granted called into question.

An invisible virus challenging our way of life with no distinction between the rich and the poor spreading across the human-made borders and showing that we are all one flesh and blood.

Called into service, the real-life heroes stepped forward. The Doctors, nurses, the mailman, the scientist, the retail associates, the truck drivers. They tried to heal, find a cure, and provide the essential services to keep hope alive for everyone with a common purpose to eradicate a virus.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months instead of fatigue, a new resolve emerged with caring neighbors helping the elderly, shopping for them, checking in on them. The joys and laughter in a zoom call with the whole family became a ritual. New ways of working and doing things emerged.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and emerging from it is a stronger and wiser world—a world with new heroes, a world with a newfound appreciation for community and friends. A world with the veil of boundaries and barriers lifted to show that we stand together as one single humanity.

